Who Are we ?
E2Cs through Europe
Get to know better what means “Second Chance School” by watching this short movie.

Our mission
Our association is committed to the promotion of Second Chance Education, an important issue that concerns the future of all. Unfortunately, many young people in Europe are facing school drop-out and unemployment, with a rate that could reach 15% in certain European countries in 2019 according to INSEE.
Faced with these challenges, we have several important tasks to fulfil.
First of all, we want to develop the training offer and encourage mobility to enrich young people’s experiences and increase their potential. We also want to promote Second Chances and contribute to the development of public policies that promote equal opportunities and compensatory education. Furthermore, we want to help school trainers to develop innovative and adapted training by exchanging good practices and creating European projects. We involve young people in youth events, and we help to create new schools.
Our Story
In December 1995, the “Second Chance School” project was presented at the Madrid Summit of Heads of State. It was approved by all the Education ministers of the EU member states. A first step in favour of young people thanks to Edith Cresson who was at that time European Commissioner for Science, Research and Development and former Prime Minister, acting particularly on behalf of Education, Training and Research. A project that stems from the principles contained in the White Paper Teaching and Learning – Towards the Learning Society.
The European Association of Second Chance Schools was officially created in Heerlen in the Netherlands in 1998. The aim was to create a network in which good practices and experiences are shared between members. It also aimed to support partners in setting up new Second Chance Schools. Finally, in a more general way, E2C Europe wanted to promote second chance education throughout Europe.
E2C Europe history :

Birth of the "Second Chance School" project approved by all the Education Ministers of the EU member states.

The first Second Chance School was set up in Marseilles. Since then, schools have developed over time in 14 European countries.

The European Association of E2Cs was officially established in Heerlen, the Netherlands in 1998.

The First National Network of Second Chance Schools was created. This association will be called the E2C France Network, followed by the Spain Network in 2016 and the Portugal Network in 2018.
The board members of E2C Europe
Staff working for E2C Europe
What our youngsters say about SCS :